Sunday, April 22, 2007

Many ways of saying Thank you, to many people!!

The donations have been coming in!!
The following people have sent donations already:

Alfred & Mary K. Carpenter - Thank You!
Richard and Kimberly Poppa - Merci Beacoup! (French)
Lakeview Auto (Bob DeWitt) - Danke! (German)
John & Kathleen Maurillo - Efharisto! (Greek)
Christopher and Catherine Pinckney -
DĂȘkuji (Czech)
Adelina Romano - Grazie! (Italian)
Anne Gordon - Toda! (Hebrew)
Debroah & Martin Hubbard - Tak! (danish)
Jean Graham - Arigato! (Japanese)
Bennie and Eleanor Ware - Kamsa Hamida! (Korean)
Kim and Scott McMaster -Obrigado! (Portuguese)
Helen Wolford - Tack! (Swedish)
Anne Welytok - Kawp-kun krap/ka' (Thai)
Carl and Carol Brownscheidle - Spasibo! (Russian)
James and Kimball Kraus - Danke Shon! (German)
John and Joan Priest - Istutiy! (Sri Lanka)
James Dietz - Terima Kasih! (Indonesian/Malayan)
Mark and Kristen Rossi - Kiitos! (Finnish)
Joyce Cady - Xie Xie! (Chinese, Mandarin)
Tessy Plastics - Danke! (German)
Susan Sletteland - Salamat po (Philippines)
James & Madge McMaster - Sukria! (Hindi)
Deiter & Helga Frick - Danke schon! (German)
Charles & Beth Driscoll - Gracias! (Spanish)
Dane & Debbie Gist - Ta! (Australian English)
Robert Jeanne Young - Do Jeh! (Chinese cantonese)
Richard Kraetz - Thanks so much!
Grace Anne Camp - Merci! (French)

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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